Godzilla VS Kong Movie Review

A monster matchup the like of which has never been seen! At least not since 1962, (blog post) Godzilla VS Kong is the 2021 take on (blog) that ...Source: Godzilla VS Kong Movie Review - Decker Shado More Videos

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Halloween Movie Review

The "original slasher movie" Halloween was made for the low low price of just $300,000 way back in 1978. It introduced the world to Michael Myers, and gave a movie series that has continued to (blog post) this day. You know, (blog) if you wave away the fact that the 2018 movie is going to ignore the events of almost the entire franchise.. except

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Rocky V Movie Review

The 5th, and for years final movie in the Rocky Franchise, Rocky V was the big send-off for the character. For that reason, the film sought to bring the character back to his roots, and finalize that he is never going to fight again. It does this in the most haphazard, cruel manners it (blog) really is quite remarkable.Source: Rocky V Movie Revie

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Film Commentaries on Sci-Fi Films

The Prestige (2006) The Prestige (2006) The mystery thriller about two powerful magicians who are rivals is both a mind-bending as well as a fascinating experience. The movie is filled with horror movie turnings and twists. The direction given by Christopher Nolan is masterful. The performances by Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale (blog) are bo

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